How to Kayak with Your Dog

How to Kayak with Your Dog | Guide To Kayaking With Your Pet

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Kayaking is a great way to get out in nature, enjoy the fresh air, and spend time with your dog. However, it can also be a bit of a challenge. It’s a good idea to kayak with your dog, so you can avoid having a bad experience.

In this post, I’ll give you a brief overview including things you should know before you get started.

How to Kayak with Your Dog Step-by-step Guide

Kayaking with your dog can be a great way to bond with your furry friend and enjoy the great outdoors. However, before you hit the water, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure that you and your dog have a safe and enjoyable experience. Here’s a guide

Choose the right kayak

When kayaking with your dog, it’s important to choose a kayak that’s big enough for both of you. Look for kayaks that have enough space for your dog to sit comfortably without feeling cramped. Additionally, consider getting a kayak with a flat or open deck to give your dog plenty of room to move around.

When kayaking with your dog

it’s important to choose a kayak that’s big enough for both of you. Look for kayaks that have enough space for your dog to sit comfortably without feeling cramped. Additionally, consider getting a kayak with a flat or open deck to give your dog plenty of room to move around.

Get your dog used to the kayak

Before heading out onto the water, it’s important to get your dog used to the kayak. Start by introducing your dog to the kayak while it’s on land. Allow your dog to sniff and explore the kayak while it’s stationary. Once your dog is comfortable with the kayak on land, move to the water and allow your dog to get used to the kayak while it’s floating.

Choose the right location

When kayaking with your dog, it’s important to choose a location that’s safe and appropriate for your dog’s swimming abilities. Look for calm, shallow waters that are free of strong currents or waves. Additionally, make sure that the location allows dogs on the water.

Use a dog life jacket

Just like humans, dogs should wear life jackets when kayaking. Make sure that the life jacket fits your dog properly and is designed for water activities. A life jacket will not only keep your dog safe but also make it easier to retrieve them if they fall into the water.

Bring plenty of water and snacks

Kayaking can be tiring, and it’s important to keep your dog hydrated and fueled with snacks. Bring plenty of fresh water and snacks that are easy to store and serve while on the water

Secure your dog in the kayak

To ensure your dog’s safety, it’s important to secure them in the kayak. You can use a leash to attach your dog to the kayak or use a special dog seat or pad that’s designed to keep them in place

Stay close to your dog

When kayaking with your dog, it’s important to stay close to them at all times. Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and be prepared to stop or turn around if your dog shows signs of discomfort or exhaustion.

Plan for bathroom breaks

Dogs need bathroom breaks, even when on the water. Plan for bathroom breaks by choosing a location with easy access to shore or bringing a portable dog potty.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable kayaking experience with your furry friend. Remember to always prioritize your dog’s safety and comfort, and have fun exploring the great outdoors together!

tips for Kayaking with Your Dog

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when kayaking with your dog:

Start with short trips: If your dog is new to kayaking, start with short trips to get them used to be on the water. Gradually increase the length of your trips as your dog becomes more comfortable.

  • Check the weather: Before heading out, check the weather forecast to make sure that conditions are safe for kayaking. Avoid kayaking during extreme weather conditions, such as thunderstorms or high winds.
  • Protect your dog from the sun: Just like humans, dogs can get sunburned. Protect your dog from the sun by applying pet-friendly sunscreen to exposed areas, such as the nose and ears. You can also provide shade by bringing a canopy or umbrella.
  • Bring a towel: Kayaking can be wet, and your dog may get wet too. Bring a towel to dry off your dog after your trip.
  • Consider a dry bag: Bring a dry bag to store your dog’s belongings, such as their water bowl and snacks. This will keep their items dry and prevent them from getting lost or damaged.
  • Train your dog to come when called: In case of an emergency, it’s important to be able to call your dog back to the kayak. Train your dog to come when called by using positive reinforcement and rewarding them with treats.
  • Be respectful of wildlife: When kayaking, be respectful of wildlife and their habitats. Keep a safe distance from wildlife and avoid disturbing their natural behavior.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you and your dog have a safe and enjoyable kayaking experience.

How to Kayak with Your Dog

What kinds of dogs are best for kayaking?

Not all dogs are good candidates for kayaking. While most dogs love being around water, some breeds are better suited to kayaking than others. Here are some of the best dog breeds for kayaking:

Labrador Retriever: Labs are excellent swimmers and love being in the water. They’re also very friendly and social, making them great companions for kayaking trips.

Golden Retriever: Like Labs, Golden Retrievers are excellent swimmers and love being in the water. They’re also very loyal and eager to please, making them great companions for kayaking trips.

Australian Shepherd: Aussies are very active and love being outdoors. They’re also very intelligent and can be easily trained to follow commands, which can be important when kayaking.

Portuguese Water Dog: These dogs were originally bred to assist fishermen, so they’re naturally comfortable around water. They’re also very intelligent and trainable, making them great companions for kayaking trips.

Bernese Mountain Dog: While they may not be as comfortable in the water as some other breeds, Bernese Mountain Dogs are very loyal and obedient, making them great companions for kayaking trips. They’re also very strong and can help pull the kayak if needed.

It’s important to note that while these breeds may be well-suited for kayaking, individual dogs may have different temperaments and comfort levels around water.

It’s always important to make sure that your dog is comfortable and safe when kayaking, regardless of their breed. Your pet needs to have a kayak, a life jacket, and a leash.

how do get in and get off with the dog in the kayak

Getting in and out of a kayak with your dog can be challenging, but with a little practice and patience, it can become easier over time. Here are some steps to follow:

Getting In:

  • Position your kayak next to the shore or a stable surface, such as a dock or a boat ramp.
  • Have your dog sit or stay on the shore while you get into the kayak first. You may need to hold onto the side of the kayak to stabilize it while getting in.
  • Once you are in the kayak, position yourself in the middle of the seat to balance the weight.
  • Have your dog sit in front of you or between your legs facing the front of the kayak.
  • Hold onto your dog’s collar or use a safety leash to keep them in place while you adjust your seating and position.

Getting Out:

  • Approach a stable surface, such as a dock or a boat ramp.
  • Hold onto the side of the kayak to stabilize it while getting out.
  • Encourage your dog to stay in place or wait on the kayak while you get out first.
  • Once you are out of the kayak, move to a position where you can easily reach your dog.
  • Lift your dog out of the kayak by holding onto its collar or using a safety leash.

It’s important to remember that getting in and out of a kayak with your dog may take some practice and patience, especially if your dog is new to kayaking. Start with short trips and gradually increase the duration and difficulty of your trips as you and your dog become more comfortable

How do I calm my dog in a kayak?

It’s important to keep your dog calm and comfortable while kayaking to ensure their safety and enjoyment on the water. Here are some tips to help calm your dog in a kayak:

Start Slow: If your dog is new to kayaking, start with short trips and gradually increase the duration and difficulty of your trips. This will help your dog get used to the kayak and the sensation of being on the water.

Choose the Right Spot: Choose a calm and peaceful spot to kayak, such as a lake or a quiet river, to minimize any potential sources of stress for your dog.

Bring Comfort Items: Bring some familiar items with you, such as a favorite toy or blanket, to help your dog feel more relaxed and at ease in the kayak.

Use Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise and treats, to reward your dog for calm and relaxed behavior in the kayak.

Provide Shade: If you’re kayaking on a sunny day, provide shade for your dog using a canopy or a hat to prevent overheating and discomfort.

Use a Calming Aid: If your dog is prone to anxiety or nervousness, consider using a natural calming aid, such as lavender essential oil or a pheromone spray, to help keep them calm in the kayak.

Remember to always keep a close eye on your dog’s behavior and body language while kayaking. If your dog shows signs of distress or discomfort, such as panting excessively or trying to jump out of the kayak,

it’s time to take a break and head back to shore. With patience, practice, and these tips, you can help your dog stay calm and comfortable during your kayaking adventures together.

Where should a dog sit on a kayak?

it depends on the size, weight, and breed of the dog as well as the type of kayak. Some dogs might be able to sit in the cockpit or at the bow while others might be happier sitting in the middle or stern of the kayak.

Do a dog’s nails puncture an inflatable kayak?

It is possible for a dog’s nails to puncture an inflatable kayak, especially if the nails are long and sharp. Inflatable kayaks are typically made from durable materials like PVC or vinyl, but they can still be punctured by sharp objects, including a dog’s nails.

How to prevent your dog to punctures an inflatable kayak

To prevent punctures, you can take a few precautions, such as keeping your dog’s nails trimmed short and covering the floor of the kayak with a protective layer, like a towel or a rubber mat. You can also consider using a dog-specific kayak or canoe that is designed to withstand scratches and punctures from a dog’s nails.


Kayaking with your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s important to take some extra precautions to ensure that both you and your dog are safe and comfortable on the water. Before hitting the water,

it’s important to choose the right kayak, get your dog used to the kayak, use a dog life jacket, secure your dog in the kayak, bring plenty of water and snacks, consider a bigger paddle, and be prepared for emergencies.

By following these tips, you can have a safe and enjoyable kayaking experience with your dog. It’s important to remember that kayaking with your dog may take some practice and patience, especially if your dog is new to kayaking.

Start with short trips and gradually increase the duration and difficulty of your trips as you and your dog become more comfortable. With these tips and some practice, you and your furry companion can enjoy the beauty and serenity of kayaking together.

If you want to take your dog on the kayak, you will need to make sure that they are a good fit for the activity. You should also consider how you will store your kayak once you are done with it.

How to Kayak with My Puppy | My Dog’s First Kayak Ride | Kayaking with Pet

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