How To Get In And Out Of A Kayak

Kayaking is a fun and rewarding activity, but before you start paddling, it’s important to know how to get in and out of a kayak safely. Kayaking is a thrilling water sport that allows you to connect with nature while getting a good workout.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this tool will improve your technique and make it easier to perform the correct motions. Here are some useful tips that will teach you how to get in and out of a kayak safely and confidently.

how to get in and out of a kayak: Preparing for Your Kayaking Trip

Preparing for Your Kayaking Trip

Before getting into a kayak, it’s essential to prepare for your kayaking trip. This includes selecting the right kayak, appropriate clothing, and gear, and the necessary safety equipment, like a life jacket. You should also consider the weather, water conditions, and length of your trip to ensure that you have everything you need for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Getting into a Kayak: Step-by-Step Guide

Getting into a Kayak: Step-by-Step Guide

Getting into a kayak can be a bit tricky for beginners, but with the right technique, it can be done easily. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get into a kayak:

  • Position the kayak: Start by positioning the kayak in shallow water or on the shore, with the bow facing the water.
  • Get the paddle: Take your paddle and place it parallel to the kayak on the side you intend to enter.
  • Sit on the edge: Sit on the edge of the kayak, with your feet on the ground.
  • Place your paddle: Place your paddle perpendicular to the kayak, with one end on the ground and the other on the kayak.
  • Slide into the kayak: Slowly slide your body into the kayak, with your knees bent and your feet still on the ground.
  • Find your balance: Once you’re inside the kayak, find your balance by placing your hands on the sides of the kayak.
  • Lift your feet: Lift your feet off the ground and place them inside the kayak.
  • Sit upright: Sit upright in the kayak and adjust your position as needed.
  • Grab your paddle: Grab your paddle, and you’re ready to start kayaking!

By following these steps, you can safely and easily get into a kayak. Remember to always wear a personal flotation device and never go kayaking alone.

Adjusting Your Position in the Kayak

You must change your position in the kayak once you have chosen the suitable kayak. The idea is to create a comfortable, balanced stance that will allow you to paddle efficiently while remaining stable. The ideal position will differ depending on your height, weight, and kayak type. It’s critical to try out several positions to find the one that works best for you.

Getting Out of a Kayak: Step-by-Step Guide

Getting Out of a Kayak: Step-by-Step Guide

Getting out of a kayak is a simple process that requires careful attention to safety. Follow these step-by-step instructions to get out of a kayak safely:

  • Look for a stable landing spot. Before getting out of your kayak, look for a stable landing spot with a flat surface. Make sure that the area is free from any obstacles that may cause injury.
  • Bring your kayak close to shore: Paddle your kayak close to shore, making sure that the water is shallow enough for you to stand comfortably.
  • Keep your paddle in a secure position: Secure your paddle in the kayak by placing it across the cockpit, behind the seat. This will keep it from floating away while you exit the kayak.
  • Position yourself in the kayak: Sit in the center of the kayak with your legs straight in front of you. Make sure that your body weight is balanced and centered.
  • Place your hands on the sides of the kayak. Place your hands on the sides of the kayak to steady yourself as you prepare to get out.
  • Lift your leg out of the kayak. Slowly lift your leg out of the kayak and place your foot on the ground. Use your hands to support yourself as you lift your other leg out of the kayak.
  • Stand up. Use your hands and legs to stand up slowly and carefully. Keep your eyes on the landing spot to ensure you don’t lose your balance.
  • Exit the kayak: Once you’re standing up, carefully step out of the kayak and onto the landing spot. Make sure that you have a good grip on the kayak to keep it steady.
  • Secure your kayak: Once you’re safely on land, secure your kayak by pulling it up onto the shore or tying it to a secure anchor point.

By following these simple steps, you can safely get out of a kayak and enjoy your time on the water. Remember always to prioritize safety and take your time to avoid any accidents or injuries.

Safety Tips When Getting In and Out of a Kayak

Safety Tips When Getting In and Out of a Kayak

Getting in and out of a kayak can be challenging, especially if you are a beginner or have limited mobility. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Launch from a stable location: Make sure you launch from a stable location like a dock or the shore. Avoid launching from unstable or rocky areas.
  2. Keep your weight centered. When getting into a kayak, keep your weight centered and your hands on the paddle. Avoid leaning too far to one side, which can cause the kayak to tip over.
  3. Use your paddle for support: Use your paddle as a support when getting into or out of a kayak. Place one end of the paddle on the shore or dock, and hold the other end as you step in or out of the kayak.
  4. Brace yourself: As you get into or out of the kayak, brace yourself with your hands or the paddle to maintain stability.
  5. Wear a life jacket: Always wear a properly fitting life jacket when kayaking. This will help keep you afloat in case you fall out of the kayak.

Getting in and out of a kayak from a dock

Getting in and out of a kayak from a dock
  • Start by positioning your kayak parallel to the dock, with the bow (front) pointing toward the water.
  • Sit on the dock with your feet in the kayak, making sure the kayak is stable and won’t tip over.
  • Slowly lower yourself into the kayak, keeping your weight centered and distributing it evenly. Use your hands to steady yourself on the dock and the kayak.
  • Once you’re seated in the kayak, lift your legs into the kayak, one at a time, and position yourself comfortably.
  • To get out of the kayak, reverse the steps. Lift your legs out of the kayak first, and then use your hands to pull yourself up and out of the kayak and onto the dock.

Getting in and out of a kayak with bad knees

Getting in and out of a kayak with bad knees:

If you have bad knees, getting in and out of a kayak can be challenging, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier:

  • Use a stable, flat surface to get in and out of the kayak. A dock or a flat, level shoreline can be easier than trying to climb up and down a steep bank.
  • Sit on the dock or shoreline and lift your legs into the kayak one at a time, rather than trying to stand up and lower yourself into the kayak.
  • Consider using a kayak with a higher cockpit, which will make it easier to get in and out of.
  • Use a paddle or another object to help stabilize yourself as you get in and out of the kayak.

Getting in a kayak in deep water:

Getting in a kayak in deep water can be tricky, but with a little practice, it’s possible to do it safely and smoothly. Here’s how:

  • Position the kayak perpendicular to the shore, with the bow facing the shore.
  • Hold onto the kayak and slowly wade into the water until you’re waist-deep.
  • Put one hand on the back of the seat and the other hand on the opposite side of the kayak, near the front.
  • Kick your legs up, bring them into the kayak, and quickly swing your body around so that you’re sitting in the seat.
  • Steady yourself with your paddle and start paddling.

Getting into a kayak for beginners:

If you’re a beginner, getting into a kayak for the first time can be intimidating. Here are some tips to make it easier:

  • Find a calm, shallow area to launch your kayak.
  • Position the kayak parallel to the shore, with the bow facing the water.
  • Sit on the seat with your feet in the water and your knees bent.
  • Use your hands to steady yourself on the kayak and the shore.
  • Slowly slide your bottom into the seat, and then bring your feet into the kayak.
  • Position yourself comfortably and start paddling. Remember to keep your weight centered and distributed evenly in the kayak.


How do you get in and out of a sit-on kayak?

Sit-on-top kayaks are popular for their ease of use and accessibility, but getting in and out of them can still be a challenge for beginners. The key is to approach the kayak from the side, with one hand on the paddle and the other on the kayak. Slowly lower yourself onto the kayak seat, keeping your weight centered and balanced. When you’re ready to get out, reverse the process by swinging your legs over the side and standing up.

How do you get up from a kayak?

Getting up from a kayak can be tricky, especially if you’re not used to the movements. The best way to do it is to swing your legs over the side of the kayak and onto the ground or dock. Use your paddle as a support to help you stand up.

How do you launch and get into a kayak?

To launch your kayak, find a shallow area of the water and push the kayak out into the water. Then, holding onto the dock or shore, carefully step into the kayak, making sure to keep your weight centered and balanced. Once you’re in the kayak, start paddling!

How do you enter and exit a kayak with bad knees?

If you have bad knees, getting in and out of a kayak can be difficult. One technique is to sit on the dock or shore with your legs extended in front of you. Place your paddle across the kayak and use it as a support as you slowly lower yourself onto the seat. To get out, reverse the process by lifting yourself using the paddle for support.


Getting in and out of a kayak may seem like a challenge for beginners, but with the right techniques and a little practice, it’s easy to master. By following our tips and tricks, you’ll be able to get in and out of a kayak safely and confidently and enjoy your kayaking adventures to the fullest.
How to Get Into and Out Of a Kayak Smoothly